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Marble Surface

January 3rd Schedule Changes

Mike Anecito

Dec 21, 2021

New Start Times and EVIL Schedule Changes for Winter 2022 effective Jan 3rd

The 7am Start Time has become both DARK and COLD so we have modified the start times for the Club League Events to now begin at 8am. Also, EVIL teams will be allotted courts at the end of the Club time for their Home Games. Everyone is encouraged to come cheer on your fellow SLPCC Members!

UPDATE: 12/31/21:
Note that EVIL only affects the schedule on weeks there is a HOME game.  AWAY game schedule is also included below.

​The Chelsea system (Request/Booking) will be updated according to the Home/Away status, so please use the reservation system to confirm availability.

Winter Schedule - Effective Jan. 3rd, 2022 (Updated 12/31/21)

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