Minor Schedule Changes May 22nd
Mike Anecito
May 15, 2023
102 Active Members this past week and still dropping - Here comes the 100's!! UGH!!!
The club still had 102 of the 365 members on the courts over the past week!
The Training will begin May 30th on Tuesdays and Thursdays...however, as always - I will make adjustments as the club's needs change.
DUPR Round Robins will be hosted between the Training Schedule.
This schedule should allow the 3.0/3.5 and 4.0's to share 7 courts and have the Training and DUPR Round Robins be assigned courts to play on during the 2.0/2.5 time slots - starting May 22nd.
We hope to be able to do 5 player DUPR Round Robin Scrambles on two courts. Any week there isn't Training or DUPR running, the courts will revert to the 2.0/2.5 members or Open Booking depending on the current projections for that week.
This will mean the no more than 10 DUPR members per level will be able to play per week, so the number of matches already played will be used to help determine who will be allowed to play if more than 10 sign up.
SLPCC Schedule 20230522