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SLPCC Adopts DUPR to Assist with Ratings

Mary Roper

Mar 28, 2023

The SLPCC board of directors, after extensive research, has adopted DUPR to assist with ratings. It will become another tool to assist in providing members with objective rating measures.

What is DUPR? Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating System.
It is the most accurate and only global rating system, trusted by the world’s premier Pickleball clubs, tours and professionals.

Ratings are calculated by:
- Margin of Victory (points won)
- Type of result (recreational vs league, sanctioned tournaments, etc.)
- Outcome (win or loss)
DUPR is built for the pickleball community. With DUPR, all players regardless of age, gender, location or skill are rated on the same scale between 2.00-8-00.
DUPR personally engages with players, challenging advanced players and building inclusive intermediate and beginner programs.
It allows you to discover and message players in your community.
You can test your skills against equal opponents in DUPR branded events.
You can analyze your performance and optimize your game.
You can log scores from any match, any time as long as all players are members of DUPR.

WHY? Ratings and rating criteria depend greatly on subjective input that requires a great deal of consistency and judgment. Over the years, it is the number one complaint of members who participate in the rating process. The board believes that shifting that responsibility back to the players will be a more accurate and reliable result. These results during specific rating matches, will provide a much improved and objective format.

A simple comparison would be a golf handicap, whereas players submit scores and over time their rating becomes well established.

DUPR is not considered a panacea, and as we all know there is no perfect rating system.

WHEN WILL THIS START? The rating committee hopes to implement it beginning in the fall of 2023. During the coming summer months, they hope to begin trials of the system in order to work out any problems that might come up with the process. As with any new process there will be bugs to work out.


WILL THE CURRENT RATING COMMITTEE STILL BE NEEDED? Yes, to some extent to help gather necessary data and report it. The rating committee will also be needed to set necessary guidelines and to oversee the program.

WILL SKILLS TRAINING STILL BE A PART OF THE PROCESS? Yes, but expect some changes to how this is integrated with the rating process.

DO MEMBERS HAVE TO PARTICIPATE? No. However, every member of SLPCC is assigned a rating upon joining the club and is a necessary component of our clubs' functions. If a member is happy with their current rating, then they can retain that rating and not participate in rating functions.
Members who wish to level up, will require a DUPR profile and scores from organized rating matches will be entered into DUPR to help establish your rating.
Members who wish to participate in NIT or other tournaments will benefit from having this rating.

HOW DOES IT WORK? DUPR gives members three options in entering scores from recreational play, organized round robins or tournament participation.

HOW DO MEMBERS LEVEL UP? Leveling up will be determined by the outcomes of round robins and any recreational play and/or tournament play that is entered into the system. There will also be some required skills training.

WILL THE RATING COMMITTEE MOVE PLAYERS DOWN IF THEIR DUPR RATING DROPS? No, Players will retain their ratings and will only drop down at their own volition.

IS THERE A WAY TO CHEAT THE SYSTEM? There are always bad actors, but with DUPR all recreational games that are submitted will be verified by one of the other players in the match. All tournament or event matches will be submitted by the rating committee.

HOW DO I SIGN UP? The club will be working with DUPR to send them the names of our active members and once that is completed, a member can go to and claim your account. Fill in or confirm your personal details. The next step is to select your digital club from the dashboard. Click on Sun Lakes Pickleball Club.
The club will be providing necessary help in making sure everyone understands the “HOW TO”.

DUPR provides a system that will help run and manage tournaments.
DUPR provides a system that will allow us to set up and run events of varying kinds.
DUPR provides a messaging service to notify players of their play and times during tournaments.

Please feel free to submit questions to the website and we will do our best to answer asap.


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